Recap of the Journeyman League Totals
Cryx 11pts
Legion 5pts
Merc - Pirates - Nicole 37pts
Minions - Thornfall - John 27pts
Minions - Blindwater - Lucas 9pts
Khador 21pts
Cygnar 2pts
Menoth 3pts
Circle 6pts
Skorne 11pts
Retribution 6pts
We definitely have a few front runners with Pirates getting a lot of games in and the most painted models. Great job Nicole! I'm currently in second with Steve nipping at my heals at 3rd. The only different between Steve and I is the 6 points I've received from painting so far.
I also love how some of our new players are showing great improvement, great job Lucas and Matt!
Now to the battle reports (most of these will be short as I didn't fully watch any of the games)
Khador vs. Pirates
Sorscha Bartolo Montador
Destroyer Mariner
Juggernaught Freebooter
Bombadiers (min) Buccaneer
Manhunter Aiyana and Holt
Bloody Bradigan
Dougal MacNaile
This battle started out with some barrages from both sides and quickly escalated into an all out throw down. Bart popped his feat first and applying pressure to Khadors forces killing off the Bombadiers and Manhunter quickly. Then Khador retaliated by pressuring the high armor warjacks. The battle quickly boiled down to Bart surviving Sorscha's assassination attempt who then wind rushed away as it obviously wasn't working out.
Bart retaliated by eating a free strike and charging Sorscha. She survived his barrage of attacks and brought the full force of her army onto him. Missed both of the Juggernaught attacks needing 7's, landed the Destroyers attack putting Bart to 3. Sorscha missed all of her attacks but one and failed to crack the Pirate Captains armor!
With the fresh reprieve Bart finished off Sorscha who was no longer defense 18.
Minions (Barnabas) vs. Skorne
Barnabas Morghoul
Spitter 2xSavages
Wrastler Gladiator
Croak Hunter Bloodrunners (min)
Thrullg Void Spirit
Feralgeist Beast Handlers
Totem Hunter
As I watched the previous battle more I didn't catch much of this game's details. Skorne claimed victory though, undefeated at this point!
Bartolo Montador Morghoul
Mariner 2x Savages
Freebooter Gladiator
Buccaneer Accuraii
Bloody Bradigan Beast Handlers
Dougal MacNaile
Aiyana and Holt
Pirates used their advantage very heavily with their shooting to force Skorne to close the gap and come to them. Unfrotunately for Adam and his Skorne, Nicole's shooting really hammered his army. That combined with Bart's feat really left him without many good options. Skorne was out done by the Pirates shooting as Bart claimed a second victory and ending Adams win streak!
Khador vs. Minions (Barnabas)
Sorscha Barnabas
Destroyer Spitter
Juggernaught Wrastler
Bombadiers Croak Hunter
Manhunter Thrullg
Totem Hunter
Sorscha used her Khador forces very effectively to close the gap on the gators and line up Sorscha on a solid assassination run. This was very effective as early on the charge lane opened up and Steve took it. Slamming into Barnabas and using her feat to make every blow hit. Barnabas went down with Sorscha's last attack, but the victory was short lived as Barnabas survived by a tough check.
Next turn after shrugging off stationary Barnabas clobbered Sorscha to death with a whirlwind of attacks.
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