Saturday, March 10, 2012

Troll War Wagon Lists

I am really enjoying my distraction of trolls lately. It all started with my buddy buying me a Troll War Wagon as a gift. After I cranked out the model I went on a bit of a painting spree painting up a Bomber, Mauler, Impaler, Grim Angus and Trollkin Champion Hero. I've also been getting quite a few games in with Grim and Jarl. I'm really loving both with the battle wagon.  Here are the two lists I've been playing with. ( Grim is 35 pts, Jarl is 50pts)

Grim Angus (*6pts)
* Troll Impaler (5pts)
* Dire Troll Bomber (10pts)
War Wagon (9pts)
Kriel Warriors (Leader and 9 Grunts) (6pts)
* 3 Kriel Warrior Caber Thrower (3pts)
* Kriel Warrior Standard Bearer & Piper (2pts)
Krielstone Bearer and 3 Stone Scribes (3pts)
Fell Caller Hero (3pts)

The main goals of this list is to abuse knockdown as much as possible. Clear a lane and assassinate the Warcaster. Bonus side affects is 3 great aoes to clear low armor infantry. I went with Kriel warriors since they are a great cheap tar pit unit that supports the knock down theme. Use a caber tosser with fell caller to get mat 9 and knockdown high defense models. Then use the knocked down model as a great target for War Wagon. The pow 8 aoe can potentially kill the Kriel warrior, but with Krielstone getting them up to armor 17 its unlikely. The list proved simple but effective.

Jarl Skuld, Devil Of Thornwood (*6pts)
* Troll Impaler (5pts)
* Dire Troll Bomber (10pts)
War Wagon (9pts)
Kriel Warriors (Leader and 5 Grunts) (4pts)
* 3 Kriel Warrior Caber Thrower (3pts)
* Kriel Warrior Standard Bearer & Piper (2pts)
Krielstone Bearer and 5 Stone Scribes (4pts)
Trollkin Long Riders (Leader and 4 Grunts) (11pts)
Fell Caller Hero (3pts)
Horthol, Long Rider Hero (5pts)

This lists goals are very similar to my 35 point version. I went with Jarl instead because I felt less need for the Grim feat. The tuffalo are great to slam targets into a direction I need a 5 inch knockdown. Jarl offers more ranged punch for the assassination, plus tuffalo in clouds make them Def 14 for a round making them a vicious road block, after they slam some targets. It is really hard to protect casters from assassination with so much knock down. Once I finish polishing these lists I'll have a great supplement for my Madrak2 list.

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